Mysteries of the Ninth World Episode 3: What’s a little mutation between friends?

Screaming Statues

Our “brave heroes” embark on a journey to destroy the insidious choir. Along the way they stand on unsturdy surfaces and poke things they shouldn’t. Fun is had by all. Bring your rope, you’ll need it.

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The Redacted Files: Px Poker Night pt 3

The group heads in to the BX to win big at poker. Unfortunately, the chaos near the van continues to cause them problems. 

d20 Modern Open License

The d20 Modern SRD is used under the Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

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Fiasco: The Bookhounds of London

While the TRF editors are away being obnoxious lovebirds, we humbly present this first ever official outing of The Redacted Files crew into the world of Fiasco.

For those unaware, Fiasco is the GM-less game where you play ordinary people with powerful ambition and poor impulse control.

Bookhounds of London is a custom playset created by Trail of Cthulhu author and general Mythos authority Kenneth Hite and acclaimed author Will Hindmarch.

In our rendition, a trio of Londoners get more than they bargained for when they decide to seek revenge for a fallen family member. Also, Aser’s character shoots someone in cold blood…again…

Port_City_Music_-_29_-_Night_Terrors from ‘Silber Sounds of Halloween’

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September Release Schedule

What are we playing this month? Our TRF editors are still on vacation!

September 4, 2014Fiasco: Bookhounds of London
Trying to get even with that shite Aleister Crowley causes some problems.

September 14, 2014The Redacted Files, Episode 3: PX Poker Night Part 3
We find out just how good the members of the party are at playing poker. Oh, and some answers about the mysterious van and the annoying buzzing.

September 24, 2014Mysteries of the Ninth World Episode 3: What’s a little mutation between friends?
Our fearless adventurers, led by an even more fearless Marcus Custer continue East to find the Insidious Choir. Maybe they should have stayed home though…