How Gaming Made Everything Better

I’ve come to gaming only recently compared to pretty much everyone else involved in The Redacted Files. However, as I take a break from editing what is scheduled to be our 65th actual play episode release, I have to think that I probably have the most of anyone in the bunch to be thankful to gaming for.

Simply put, I was in a bad place before I started gaming. I’d seen what had been a promising career and several fundamental aspects of my personal identity crumble as the last of my usable vision simply…went away. I was pushing away friends with whom I suddenly had nothing in common and was spending a lot of time just reading and waiting for something to happen. In all that media consumption though, I began listening to more podcasts again, and began reaching out to some of the folks who I found liked similar things about what we were listening too. What happened after that is nothing less then a turning point in my life, I started doing stuff again.

I started talking with some folks about playing a game on Hangouts, and maybe doing a podcast. I tried being more positive and open, and sharing the spark of optimism I was cultivating whenever I had the chance. And one of the people I found this way changed my life for the better, in pretty much every way imaginable.

I’ve played in so many games now, averaging at least three a week since the podcast hit its stride. And gaming has given me so much in return to for the time and passion I’ve poured into it. I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people that are part of this amazing community, had the chance to examine and poke at what makes me who I am in any number of interesting role-playing scenarios, and gotten the chance to tell stories that entertain. Most of all though, I’m grateful for Megan, without whom so much of all of this, of all of me, never would have come to fruition.

Thank you so much for reading. We here at TRF are overjoyed to be able to do what we do and that’s all because of our incredible listners and supporters. Thank you so much and have a very happy Thanksgiving.

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