#RPGaDay 3: Character moment you are proudest of

RPG a Day 2016 image

Each year we celebrate Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 3, what is the character moment you are proudest of?

Aser – Looking back, I can’t honestly think of a character moment I’m “proud” of. The closest thing I can think of is a scenario set on an aircraft carrier when my character rode an atomic bomb as it plunged towards the spawn of an elder God. That was kind of cool…
John D. – Probably The Strange when Agent Bradley Davis was the only one to look back at the planetvore eating the enemy fortress and realized his brother’s sacrifice was worth it.
Jonn P. – I’d have to say it happened during a Hunters game. I was playing Marshall Barsoom, a retired Airforce colonel, who had volunteered at Camp Northstar in Florida. The company running the camp had drawn out a local cryptid, a skin-changer. They were using the creature to harvest fear and profit off the wealthy students by providing the leadership opportunity of rescuing the low-income campers from the skin-changer. Unbeknownst to the any of the students, the head counselor had given the wealthy students a charm to protect them from the monster. Marshall had worked out that the friendship bracelets were the protective charm and using his leadership skills he lead a group of camp kids in creating enough friendship bracelets for themselves and the other camp kids. The moment when he charged into the fray unarmed save for two fist fulls of friendship bracelets was probably one of my most memorable moments in a game ever.
Landan – The most current one I can think of is when Megan let my character Sir Eliath Guinness use his Lion’s Shield Magical Bite attack to prevent him from falling off of a cliff.
Megan – I think it might be Captain Myra Cole’s decision at the battle near Orion’s Light on Firefly Podcast.
Mike G. – This year, my Loremouse (MouseGuard) rushing the traitor with an axe and planting it right into him! Go team bookworm!
Patrick – I once had a Halfing thief that had been practice with garrotes since the beginning of the adventure and I wanted to live the dream of using a locking garrote from D&D 3.5. Our party was trying to track down a cult that was attempting to summon a demon and sent me in to infiltrate the compound and find the ritual chamber, which I did. Just after the Thorn demon had been summoned. The cultists rushed out of the room as my party made a ruckus outside in the courtyard as planned, leaving me to deal with the freshly summoned demon. Long story short after attempting to lock the garrote on the demon’s throat for six rounds I finally had done it and then promptly succumbed to the massive bleeding caused by the demon’s thorny exterior, but not before lighting his last bit of pipeweed. The rest of the party charged into the ritual chamber expecting the boss fight (I had been moved to another room for my recon job) and found a strangled demon, and a dead, smiling halfling with a lit pipe hanging from his mouth.
Phil – Jake’s poignant scenes in Firefly podcast. Or Nigel’s demise (thanks Megan!).

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