Fate of Cthulhu Interview with PK Sullivan, Sophie Lagacé, and Stephen Blackmoore

We had the chance to chat with three of the people behind Evil Hat’s newest game release: Fate of Cthulhu! We talk about new mechanics, time travel, the Cthulhu Mythos and more!

Joining us were PK Sullivan, who you can find online at his website or on twitter at @pk_sullivan, Sophie Lagacé who you can find online at her website or on twitter at @MechanteAnemone, and Stephen Blackmoore, who you can find selling his books on Amazon, including the latest in the Eric Carter series, on his website, or on twitter at @sblackmoore.

You can find the kickstarter by searching for Fate of Cthulhu or clicking here! We’ll also be streaming a session on Friday, April 10th at 6:30 PM PDT, so join us on Twitch!

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