318 Escape from the Almshouse (Survival of the Able)

A group of disabled members of an almshouse must survive a zombie invasion.

Survival of the Able is currently on Kickstarter! This game is about people with disabilities working together to overcome a zombie plague. In it you play a person with a disability who has been abandoned in an almshouse and left for dead as the dead begin to rise again. How will you survive? Written by Jacob Wood, a blind RPG designer, this game deals with discrimination, fear, and many obstacles to overcome.

*Aser will be editing the final book! This is our disclosure 

GM: Jacob Wood
Players: Aser, Derek, Troy.
System: Survival of the Able (Fudge)

Special thanks to our Agent+ patrons: Ben, Bernie, Chris, Denise, Eric, Fandible, John, Jonn, LordTentacle, Nyssa, Patrick, Slacker Initiative, Stuart, Terryann, and Tom.

Unseen Horrors by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4569-unseen-horrors
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

For more information visit The Redacted Files. To help support us, check out our Patreon. You can also find us on Discord!

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