Aser and Megan spoke with Eloy Lasanta from Third Eye Games and Phil Vecchione from Encoded Designs about their Part-Time Gods of Fate Kickstarter. We were thrilled with the opportunity to talk to the creators, find out more about the mechanics of the conversion, and just what your god will be able to do. We can’t wait for this to be released!
“Third Eye Games‘ ground-breaking RPG Part-Time Gods was released in 2011: a game of balancing one’s mortal and divine life. Maintaining one’s human bonds and deciding how much to give in to one’s godhood are all strong themes running through the game, which is still one of Third Eye Games’ highest selling gamelines.
In Part-Time Gods, you take on the role of brand new gods in our modern world today. The Source, theorized to be the creator of all things in the universe, was sealed away by the old gods who are now mostly dead and gone, but the entity no struggled in its cage and is trying to free itself. this has leaked its energy into our world and started creating hundreds of new gods, and even more monsters (called Outsiders) who are out for god’s blood. All of this, while you also attempt to maintain your normal life. Dealing too deep into your godhood forces you to cut ties with your human side, but clinging too closely limits your growth. It is a hard choice, but one every god must make.
The original system was the DGS-Lite, which fully explored the themes and moods of the game, but we are also huge fans of the Fate System from Evil Hat Productions. With the help of Encoded Designs (Phil Vecchione, Chris Sneizak, Bob Everson, and Shawn Merwin) we’ve fully realized Part-Time Gods using the Fate Core system.”
You can find Eloy at Third Eye Games and @ThirdEyeGames and Phil at Encoded Designs and @encodeddesigns.
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