What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

No Thank You, Evil! The Adventures Continue
I still haven’t had the chance to play No Thank You, Evil! but I saw kids running games while at GenCon, which was incredibly cool. We interviewed Shanna Germain about No Thank You, Evil! last year, and if you have kids that you want to bring into RPGs, I think this game is ideal. Now MCG is kickstarting expansions for the core game, including story ideas and more monsters.

“This Kickstarter offers two new expansions to No Thank You, Evil!

STORY, PLEASE! An Adventure-Building Deck For No Thank You, Evil! Story, Please! is a 100-card deck stuffed full of evocative art and creative ideas, letting you quickly build hundreds of unique adventures for No Thank You, Evil! It’s easy: just combine an engaging STORY card with one or more cool PLACE and PERSON cards to outline your quest. Then give your adventure a surprising TWIST, and some cool STUFF. Map and handout cards complete the adventure. The deck is the same size as the cards in the original game, allowing you to use it with the Creature and Cypher Cards from that game.

UH-OH, MONSTERS! An Adventure Expansion for No Thank You, Evil! Uh-Oh, Monsters! is an adventure expansion that includes everything you need to run new adventures for No Thank You, Evil! Claws and Paws: The Monsters You’ll Meet! This creature book is chock-full of monsters, humans, aliens, robots and tons of other walking, talking, fighting, biting creatures you’ll encounter in Storia. Learn more about the Monster Museum, discover quirks, and learn how to make your own monsters. Lairs and Scares: Let’s Go on Wild Adventures! This adventure book offers three brand-new adventures for No Thank You, Evil!, all with fun monster themes. Creature Cards: 30 new creature cards (that match the format of the cards in the original game) for quick-and-easy reference. Creature Standups: 15 creature standups, letting you bring creatures to life right at the table!”
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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

Bluebeard’s Bride
I couldn’t be more excited for this game. Bluebeard was one of my favorite stories as a child, and this RPG focuses on the psyche of his bride in a great horror setting. I love the idea of exploring the castle and building your own story. Plus the art they have so far is stunning. I can’t wait to play this one!

“Bluebeard’s Bride is an investigatory horror tabletop roleplaying game for 3-5 players, written and designed by Whitney “Strix” Beltrán, Marissa Kelly, and Sarah Richardson, and based on the Bluebeard fairy tale. In this game you and your friends explore Bluebeard’s home as the Bride, creating your own beautifully tragic version of the dark fairy tale. Investigate rooms, discover the truth of what happened, experience the nightmarish phantasmagoria of this broken place, and decide whether or not you are a faithful or disloyal bride.

Bluebeard’s Bride is based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system used in Apocalypse World, Dungeon World, Monsterhearts, Masks, and more. It’s a simple system; when your character takes an action that fits a move, the move tells you what happens, or you roll two six-sided dice to find out. Since this is a horror game, we have modified it so that the majority of moves use no dice; this harkens back to telling ghost stories around the fire.”
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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

Upwind RPG
We had an amazing time demoing Upwind with Jeff Barber a few weeks ago, and couldn’t be more excited to back this project. Upwind has a very strategic mechanic that allows for a very narrative style of combat and use of your skills. Also exciting is that is going to be OGL (thanks social stretch goals!), which means we’ll be able to adapt it to all kinds of settings. I can’t wait to get my hands on this.

“Imagine Bakshi’s classic animated film Wizards has a head-on collision with Disney’s Treasure Planet and the resulting fire is put out with a whole lot of Studio Ghibli’s Castle in the Sky. That, in an unexpected, animated mash-up, is Upwind. Upwind is a narrative style RPG set in a strange alternate world of floating island nations, flying sailing ships, long-lost technology, wild elemental powers, looming war and forgotten legacies.

Upwind is powered by the Q system, an original stakes-based, playing card-driven mechanic that gives every encounter consequences with meaningful, narrative-building outcomes. With its unique bidding rules, Upwind plays as fast as you can tell your story.”
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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

Salt in Wounds
Salt in Wounds is a town built around the regenerating body of a Tarrasque, reminding me a bit of that episode of Doctor Who with the whale in space. I’m excited to read more about the setting, and I hope it continues to get even darker then keeping a living thing imprisoned and cut into to feed the population. If you want to add a new setting to your 5e game, Salt in Wounds would be an amazing place to explore.

“Salt in Wounds is a fictional city; a detail-rich dark fantasy setting designed specifically for tabletop roleplaying games (although it can be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates intricate works of imagination). More specifically, Salt in Wounds is a city whose culture, economy, and existence is beholden to the reality of the giant, regenerating kaiju called the ‘Tarrasque’ which is imprisoned within the city center so it can be butchered over and over again.”
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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

Scroll and Codex Dice Tower and Rolling Tray
I got a beautiful hex chest from Elder Wood in their last kickstarter, and they’ve out done themselves with this one. You can get a couple of things from this. You can just get the Scroll, which is a beautiful collapsible dice tray that can roll up. There’s also the Codex, an amazing portable dice tower. If you get both, the Scroll fits inside the Codex when collapsed. Seriously, these are so beautiful together.

“Hello, we’re Quentin and Dan (the androids from the video). Today, we’d like to share Scroll & Codex, an ancient, leather-bound scroll and scroll case that brings elegance and a touch of the fantastic to your games. Codex transforms into a dice tower with a twist of its base, and Scroll unfurls into a personal rolling tray in moments. With a host of customizable wood, leather, and art options, each Scroll & Codex is crafted to be a unique, timeless relic transported straight out of your game and onto your tabletop.

Help us bring Scroll & Codex into the world, and together we’ll change dicetiny. We know some of you are thinking about the Holiday season, so scroll down to learn about our Holiday Gift Package. As always, if you have any questions, we are at your disposal.”
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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

Filigree in Shadow
I wish I had a ton of money to sink into the Mysterious Package Company, because everything they release looks intriguing, high quality, and really, really cool. Filigree in Shadow is their latest package that they’re sending out, which is a Victorian thriller. I think there’s plenty of inspiration for a game in the mysteries surrounding their boxes, and the props seem incredibly detailed and cool. (And if someone wants to send me the King in Yellow package, I won’t say no)

“For several years, The Mysterious Package Company has turned the daily trip to the mailbox into an adventure by providing unique stories you can touch. These packages tell amazing tales in multiple chapters, each arriving weeks apart. Chapters are comprised of customized newspaper articles, diary pages, lab notes, photographs, objets d’art, and so forth. Together they place the recipient at the centre of the narrative, often even referring to long-lost (or non-existent) relatives.

These adventures culminate in a handmade wooden crate that has been nailed shut. Within, a custom-crafted artifact acts as the touchstone for the experience; a centerpiece that will spark the telling and retelling of the unexpected sequence of events that began with an unassuming envelope found in one’s mailbox.

We pay extraordinary attention to the details of each experience, right down to the accurately recreated postmark on each letter and how the paper is aged. We include real history in every story, which lends authenticity to the experience and disguises the point at which reality ends and fiction begins.”
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Upwind Interview and Demo with Jeff Barber

The cover for upwind. Shows a ship in the sky with a floating city in the distance

Last week we had the chance to play Upwind, a new game from Jeff Barber and Biohazard Games. This game is a “fable of lost science, elemental magic, and uncharted skies” that uses an inventive card mechanic in an original setting. Aser and I really loved the way the mechanics played out and can’t wait to see this game launch on Kickstarter on October 11!

You can find Jeff and Upwind at the Biohazard Website or on Twitter.

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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

Thank You for Screaming
We’re really big fans of Greg Stolze, and can’t wait to get this collection of short stories. A few of these stories are available on Stolze’s personal site, but additional stories are going to be available all in one place, for your reading pleasure (or horror).

“Over the last several years, I’ve written a lot of short fiction for a lot of different venues. I’d like to fund a bound, printed volume of those separate works and make it available for sale.

Backing Thank You For Screaming at a low level gets you eBooks of twenty-five short stories (and one nonfiction essay), released in PDF, ePub and a Kindle friendly .mobi variant.”

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What’s Cool on Kickstarter

There’s many interesting items to be found on Kickstarter, but these are the coolest ones this week.

World of Aetaltis
Aser and I had the opportunity to sit down and chat about Aetaltis with Marc Tassin, and we’re really in love with the new ideas and rich world he and his team have put together. Aetaltis is a 5e setting with new monsters, expanded PC races, and some really intriguing new rules for magic. I think the extra content would be great for any GM, even if you don’t want to move your campaign to this intriguing new setting. If you like heroic fantasy gaming, definitely check out World of Aetaltis.

“Discover the fate of the last dwarves of the Donarzheis Mountains, reveal the strange and terrible wonders of the Elliyan Wilds, pull back the ancient shroud that conceals the truth about the first children of the gods. The veil of mystery that hides the truths of Aetaltis is heavy, but with your help we will reveal its story in this new 5E compatible RPG campaign setting.

We’re producing a complete 5E compatible RPG campaign setting called The World of Aetaltis. Your support will let us deliver all the books and accessories you need to run or play in an Aetaltis campaign. And by helping us to unlock our stretch goals, we’ll extend the Kickstarter campaign to include an entire line of Aetaltis products.”

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The World of Aetaltis Kickstarter Interview with Marc Tassin

World of Aetaltis kickstarter image

We sat down with Marc Tassin of Mechanical Muse to learn more about his new Kickstarter for The World of Aetaltis, a 5e setting. We learned a lot about the new world and denizens of Thornwall, as well as the really great ideas Marc and his team have put together for magic and downtime. I’m really excited for when we can get our hands on these books because I think the ideas will really help to make 5e even better.

Interested in Aetaltis? You can find them online here, or check our their Twitter Feed. The Kickstarter has launched and will be running until October 11.
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