Scary on the Choo-Choo 5: Our Friend the Jersey Dogboy

A ghoul looks over at it's shoulder holding a bone

Headed back to Paris aglow with success, the party decides to investigate the strange going-ons at the hospital.

Featuring Aser, Eli, Megan, Phil, and Zach. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Alchemist’s Tower”

Check out Eli’s short story on Shadowvane Podcast. Or you can read it yourself on Amazon!

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Scary on the Choo-Choo 4: Thorn Amongst the Roses

Ross of purple, orange, green, and aquamarine

The party makes it to Paris to start looking for the first piece of the Sedefkar Simulacrum, one failed skill check at a time.

Featuring Aser, Eli, Megan, Phil and Zach. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Alchemist’s Tower.”

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Scary on the Choo-Choo 3: A Bump on the Tracks

A restored image of Constantinople showing a bridge with the city behind

As we reach the end of the adventure of The Blood Red Fez, the party has to pull together and try their very best to fight their enemies and become controllers of The Fez.

Featuring Aser, Eli, Megan, Phil, and Zach. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “The Alchemist’s Tower”

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Scary on the Choo-Choo 2: The Second Most Evil Hat


The party visits the past for the adventure “The Blood Red Fez” and quickly meet with more then they can handle.

Featuring Aser, Eli, Megan, Phil, and Zach. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “The Alchemist’s Tower”

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Scary on the Choo-Choo 1: Leavin’ on a Steam Train

In our first episode of the classic adventure, Horror on the Orient Express, a group is invited to a lecture by Professor Smith, who later desperately needs their help to hunt down the Sedefkar Simulacrum.

Featuring Aser, Eli, Megan, Phil, and Zack. Music by Kevin MacLeod, ‘Alchemist’s Tower’

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