Beyond the Threshold 7: Specimens

Attendants, fully covered, wait along rows of empty beds in a hospital ward

The team infiltrates BABEL to see if they can get any answers. What they find is a bit more then what they expected.

Featuring Aser, Brian, Megan, and Phil. Music by Kevin MacLeod, ‘Hitman’.

Direct Download!

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Not So Strange 5: Whoops

The Skype office in Palo Alto eaturing small patches of lawn with fabric stones and red chairs inside

The team infiltrates the September Project to get some answers. Things go according to plan, unfortunately just not theirs.

Featuring Aser, Matt, Megan, and Mike. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Failing Defense”.

Direct Download!

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Not So Strange 4: The Scarlet Scarscape

Cauliflower dyed red, looks like unending red fractals

As the party escapes into the Strange, they have to manuever through a new environment and make new friends.

Featuring Aser, Matt, Megan, and Mike. Music by Kevin Macleod, “Failing Defense”.

Direct Download!

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Not So Strange 3: No One Gets Out of Prague Alive


We finally release the episode where the team leaves heads to Prague, and hopes that this time, there won’t be dragons released.

Featuring Aser, Matt, Megan, and Mike. Music by Kevin MacLeod, “Failing Defense”

Direct Download!
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#RPGaDay2015 31: Favorite non-RPG thing to come out of RPGing

autocratik topic grid

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 31, What is your favorite non-RPG thing to come out of RPGing?
Megan and Aser engagement photo
Chuck: My wife, LARPing actually but I will count it.
John: Friendship with Aser, Megan, Rob, basically anyone I game with on @TRFpodcast! Also ‘The Ancient Ones’ in our all-star Skype Cthulhu games: Shep, Shannon Mac, Ed and John.
Jonn: My two sons… okay maybe not both of them. Definitely the first one though… The second one was more likely the result of alcohol. I love you kids! πŸ˜€
Landan: Making new friends
Matt: I’ve met a lot of cool people and made some really good friends because of playing RPGs.
Megan: Meeting Aser πŸ˜€ He tweeted that he wished he could find a group to play Call of Cthulhu with and I responded, and now I have a wonderful fiance.
Patrick: At the risk of sounding sexist, Chainmail Garments. Most people stop at the bikini, but the chain main halter top is also a thing. I can’t imagine the chafing, those poor women.
Rob: All the awesome friends I’ve made through gaming!

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 30: Favorite RPG playing celebrity

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 30, Who is your favorite RPG playing celebrity?
Aser: Harry Dresden ummm, I guess I mean Jim Butcher.
Chuck: Vin Diesel
John: Vin Diesel maybe.
Jonn: Wil Wheaton. I’m really liking Titansgrave. I probably would have waffled between Vin Diesel and Wil Wheaton otherwise.
Landan: Wil Wheaton
Matt: Stephen Colbert. He is so unapologetically geeky about Lord of the Rings and D&D references. It is a delight to watch.
Megan: Well, Vin Diesel obviously.
Patrick: Brian Posehn
Rob: Tie between Blaine Capatch and Vin Diesel

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 29: Favorite RPG website/blog

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 29, What is your favorite RPG website/blog?
Aser: DriveThruRPG πŸ˜›
Chuck: DriveThruRPG
John:, Twitter.
Jonn: Reality Refracted. A.L. has a very nuanced approached to talking about role-playing games. The post are rarely antagonistic and he doesn’t spend any of his time bashing people like a lot of bloggers do.
Landan: Paizo, Monte Cook Games, TRF, Geekly Inc., and I can’t think of any others off the top my head.
Matt: The Angry GM is a good read for me. I tend to design and plan games in similar ways to him, but he has much more detailed insight into why what he does works. This has helped me understand why I do things the way I do, which in turn has helped me refine my techniques. And, while I don’t visit Penny Arcade or their forum as much as I used to, I got a lot of really good info from there.
Megan: I like Gnome Stew and Tribality quite a bit for advice and news. I also love TRF because it’s my baby πŸ™‚
Patrick: TRF, I really don’t look anywhere else. My plate is usually full of my other gaming vices.
Rob: TRF

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 28: Favorite game you no longer play

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 28, What is your favorite game you no longer play?
Aser: It’s hard to believe we haven’t played Eclipse Phase in more than a year, but that’s the sad truth. D20 Modern was fun too, though I’m not sure how those characters would’ve done in the long run.
Chuck: The old DC supers game, the first edition
John: BECMI D&D (might play again soon?) or Marvel.
Jonn: For me, it is D&D 2e/4e. I’ve enjoyed most every version of D&D but recently stopped playing 2e/4e. I have been gravitating towards games like Fate Core and Cortex. I’ve gotten the most enjoyed out of D&D than any other ruleset; however, I slowly gravitated towards simple rulesets that have less rigid systems for combat, skills and (especially) magic systems.
Landan: It has been a long time since I played Saga Ed. Star Wars RPG
Matt: D&D 3.5 did a lot of things very well, and I played it for a long time. While Pathfinder is strictly better in almost every way that matters to me, I had a lot of fun with 3.5.
Megan: WH40k: Rogue Trader. The first RPG I played, and it still has a special place in my heart. I miss Khan, the greatest explorator.
Patrick: Mage: The Awakening

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 27: Favorite Idea for Merging Two Games into One

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 27, What is your favorite idea for merging two games into one?
Aser: My favorite idea is something we’re doing currently actually. The party from our Mysteries of the Ninth World campaign is going to step into The Strange. πŸ™‚ It was Megan’s idea and I was foolish enough to add fuel to the fire.
Chuck: I thought mixing The Strange with Numenera would be fun, turns out, there were some problems.
John: The Strange makes that very possible. Or introducing the Cthulhu Mythos into Eclipse Phase.
Jonn: A setting inspired by Earthdawn and Fallout. Where the cataclysm occurred during the pre-Columbian period. Places like the Cliff Palace in Mesa Verde, Tulum, Chichen Itza were constructed to be vaults and the PCs would come from and/or be exploring these locations.
Landan: I am not sure maybe two parallel universes all of a sudden start to merge… I have no clue.
Matt: I’d love to have a game that incorporated vehicle combat well, whether that was spaceships, car chases, etc. that lets the PCs work together in a meaningful way.
Megan: I don’t think there are a lot of game systems I really want to merge into one. But I love the idea of merging worlds together (which the Strange does beautifully). I’m playing with this concept in my Numenera game, by bringing the Strange into it.
Patrick: Aces and Eights and Deadlands.

Previous #RPGaDay Posts

#RPGaDay2015 26: Favorite Inspiration for your Game

Last year we celebrated Autocratik’s #RPGaDay, where we spend a month celebrating RPGs, discussing what we love and what we love about them. Here are the responses of the TRF crew. Be sure to tweet, blog, or post your own with the #RPGaDay!

For August 26, What is your favorite inspiration for your game?
Aser: My favorite inspiration when planning a scenario is typically a random bit of interpersonal interaction in a larger work of history I’m reading, something humanizing, that can really turn people you’ve never met into someone you care about. I try to bring that into the game. Or when running The Strange, I’ll just open the Bestiary and see what nastiness would be fun to inflict on my players that day. πŸ˜›
Chuck: Live play podcasts.
John: Movies, game-inspired fiction, podcasts.
Jonn: Famous Quotes, Ancient History and American History.
Landan: Music, Art, Television, and Movies. The most recent character I created was based off the album cover for Chevelle’s “La Gargola”
Matt: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave provides a lot of potential for a story that evolves over time without resorting to a “twist”.
Megan: I use Aser a lot to bounce ideas off of, and then twist his and my ideas into one mega-idea.
Patrick: Horror films.
Rob: Zombie Movies

Previous #RPGaDay Posts